Thursday, 2 February 2012

Mental Attitude: The Key to Progress in Fitness

I found this video on YouTube which touches on the aspect of mental attitude and it's effect on physical performance and talent. 

 Mental attitude is key to accessing our best in every area of life. But in sports and physical activities, it can be the difference between excelling and plateauing. You may have heard that its not practice that makes perfect, but it's perfect practice that makes perfect. The quality of an athlete's practice is so heavily hinged on the mindset and attitude that he or she holds during the time of practice. 

Often, the difference between how well we put ourselves into training or how mediocre we might apply ourselves to our sport has a lot to do with how present and in the moment we are during training. If you let other thoughts and preoccupations run your mind, then the quality of your session will be greatly undermined. On the other hand, if you bring your mind in the present moment, focused on the exercise at hand and couple it with a genuine intent to give yourself fully to the skill at hand with 100% focus and concentration, then you are much more likely to enter a zone of consciousness, also know as the state of flow. It is in that zone that perfect practice occurs. 

Of course, being present during exercise is only part of the equation to having an optimal mental attitude. You also need to cultivate faith and belief in your ability. If you lack this piece, then you may not even make the initial commitment to your exercise regime to begin with, let alone sustain it. Faith and belief is the difference between consistent commitment and self defeating inconsistency that results in giving up. 

So, there's my 2 cents. Watch this short video which is aptly named,

"Attitude is More Important Than Talent. "

Inspired by fitness,

Clinton Boucheix
Certified Personal Trainer

Free Exercise Motivation Report

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