Sunday, 8 January 2012

Fitness Resolution:Avoid the Desolution

Another year, another goal. Another goal gone unreached.

Every year we do this little ritual where we project our wishes of what we want to achieve, become or do and every year we feel despondent when we realize that not a single step was taken toward that goal.

And yet, what do we do next? We set ourselves either the same goal or another for us to experience the same despondence all over again a year from now.

Seems foolish. But its human nature to keep hoping that somehow it will be different this time.

So, ask yourself right now what is going to be different this time?

To reach your fitness goals, what exactly are you going to change?

What are you going to commit to that you previously were unwilling to commit to?

What systems are you going to put in place that can help you stay the course?

What questions are you going to ask yourself throughout the year that's going to keep you clear on your goal?

The reason we do this to ourselves over and over again is because we think we can do it alone and we fail to reach out to the people and resources that we really need to make things work.

I want you to do yourself a big favour and that is for you to not only set your goal or goals this year but to also, for each goal reach out to someone that will keep you to it by providing the support and the mentoring that you really need.

If you start there, that alone has far greater chance of boosting consistency and your success rate.

Just admit to yourself that you can't do it alone, reach out to as many resources you need to make it happen, pull out all stops and this message is meant for me just as much as it meant for you.

Happy new year.

I wish you the best in 2012

Inspired by fitness,

Clinton Boucheix
Certified Personal Trainer

Free Exercise Motivation Report

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