Thursday, 9 June 2011

Exercising without free time

Tips on exercising without free time

Its a well known fact that we live in a busy world with all our commitments, obligations and priorities. Between work life, family life and social life it can be hard to make room to keep ourselves fit.

Making time to exercise is crucial if you want to look after your health. But how do you make room for it in such a hectic world?

The good news is that it doesn't matter how packed your life is, you can exercise without spare time on your hands. All it takes is a willingness to be fit and the mind of an opportunist.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The 8 principles of consistent exercise motivation

The motivation to exercise is such a common issue in the busy hectic world we live in today. With life's demands, responsibilities, obligations and social lives. Who has any time to exercise, right?

Of course, its not just about the time that holds some people back. There are some other obstacles that get in the way. For you, it might be energy. It might be dread. It might even be cost or location.

Whatever it is for you, I want to make one thing clear. And that is our mindset is the one thing behind our decisions, our attitude determines whether we will or we won't do something.

Luckily, in terms of exercise there are 8 principles that impact our attitudes towards how much we want to exercise regularly, and they don't all have to be working at the same time but they do support each other.